
Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, based in London, Nic is a forest defender, campaigner, community builder, water advocate and action researcher specialising in movement psychology, cultural environmentalism and human rights.
Nic is the Founder and Director of Guardians Worldwide CIC, based in the Borough of Southwark in London. Guardians Worldwide is a group of minority and indigenous community leaders from over 20 nations worldwide working for the protection of ancestral forests. GWW carries out advocacy, reforestation, policy related consultancy and online education and training.
Nic is also Editor of Minority Rights Group, where he works advancing the rights of minorities and indigenous people around the world.
He is also Consultant for The Tenure Facility, an NGO devoted to advancing land tenure for indigenous people in nine countries across the Americas, Africa and Southeast Asia. He was also Associate Professor in Transformational Practices at the University of Leeds, where he specialised on climate, water and political conflict resolution in the Lake Chad as well as indigenous resistance in Northeastern Brazil.