PODCASTS (selected)
What can Forests Teach Us?, Latitude Adjustment, April 2023
The UK Sewage Crisis, Resonance FM, with Paul Powlesland, June 2022
A Chi'xi World is Possible, translation of Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui's book, available on Spotify, Feb 2022
INTERVIEWS (selected)
Nic Salazar and Tawana Kariri Xoco in conversation, Urban Tree Festival, May 2024.
There is no food without forests; there is not forest without collective indigenous rights' Nic Salazar and Vandana Shiva, Feb 2023
Placing trees and indigenous knowledge at the centre of future healing, Mongabay March 2021
Guardians of the Forest, Bauman Institute, March 2021
Nicolas Salazar Sutil has a new perspective on climate change, in La Voz de Chile, March 2021
Finding Creative solutions to conflict in Lake Chad, University of Leeds, March 2020
BOOKS (selected)
(2018) Matter and Transmission, New York: Bloomsbury.
(2015) Motion and Representation. Cambridge, MA.: MIT Press.
BOOK CHAPTERS (selected)
(2014) '404, Performing Error, or what is Latin American Cyber-errorism?' in Marin Blazevic (ed.) Misperformance. Ljubljana: Maska.(2010) ‘A Fugitive's Song: Victor Jara.’ In Johanna C. Kardux et al (eds.) Performing Migration. London: Routledge.
(2022) Indigenous-led campaign defends the rights of uncontacted peoples in Peru. Published by Tenure Facility.
(2022) Akawaio People win historic case against Guyana Government to secure tenure over ancestral lands. Published by Tenure Facility.
(2021) “We do not want payment, we want funds to guarantee our rights”: conversation with Tuntiak Katan, published by TF.
(2020) Indigenous people in Panama: “It is not enough to secure land rights on paper— government needs to certify and support practical implementation of Indigenous land rights on the ground.” published by Tenure Facility.
(2020) A “strength-based” approach to Indigenous land tenure. Published by Tenure Facility.
(2020) “Dance for your Life: refugees and social reintegration in Central Africa”, Platforma Arts + Refugees
(2020) Guardians of the Ganga, with Rajendra Singh, published by Guardians Worldwide.
(2023) ‘Riverkin: seizing the moment to remake vital relations in the UK and beyond’ In People and Nature 5: 6 (December)
(2019) ‘When I grow up I want to be Indigenous’ In Performance Research 24:6 (May 2019) London: Routledge.
(2007) What's in Your Wardrobe, Mr.Morales? In Popular Communication, 7 (2). pp. 63-78. London: Taylor and Francis.
(2005) ‘Maradona Inc: Politics off the Pitch.’ In John Hartley (ed.) International Journal of Cultural Studies Vol. 11, No. 4(January) London: SAGE.
(2023) Focus on Water: Minority and Indigenous People's Key Trends Report, with Carl Soderbergh, Minority Rights Group.
(2017) Turning Animal, special issue of Performance Research 22:2.
(2020) Annual Report: Colombia PCN, Mozambique and Panama entries. Published by Tenure Facility.
(2020) Indigenous Media Presence CLUA Report. Published by Climate Outreach.
(2020) Eight Principles for Indigenous Media Presence: Recommendations for international media makers, producers and distributors who wish to work with and for indigenous communities around issues of land use and climate change. Published by Climate Outreach.
(2019) Un Pas en Avant: Concrete pedagogies in UNHCR Refugee Camps (Dar es Salaam, Gore and Gondjé). GCRF funded.
(2018) Coventry Welcomes: Project Evaluation. Presented to Coventry Refugee and Migrant Centre. Funded by AHRC Social Choreography network.